Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Pictured above are the pumpkins my family and I carved, from left to right:

Bob "The Hunger" Vicious; Kitty Vicious; Chomper; and "Peaches" The Zombie

Happy Halloween to all!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thanks All Around!

Well, last week's last Downtown Downers Grove Market went really well. It was so nice to see so many repeat customers, and to meet some new folks, as well. Although this market has ended, you will be seeing and hearing from me throughout the year, so keep checking my blog, face book, and twitter for updates.

I want to say a big Thank You to the Indian Boundary YMCA for all of their hard work co-coordinating this past season's Downtown Downer's Grove Market! They are a dedicated and helpful group of folks who make the market happen, and it is great to know that the proceeds from vendor's booth sales go to directly helping the YMCA enhance programs and offer program assistance for children and families in need.

Also, a special Thank You to the owners of Ballydole Pub & Restaurant in Downers Grove for hosting the market vendors at a special celebration luncheon!

Lastly, on behalf of myself and my family, Cheers to all of the lovely people that we had the chance to meet this year during our time at the market. I thank you for choosing my local, handmade jewelry! Hope to see you again next year!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tomorrow: Heading to the Last Downtown Downers Grove Market of the Season

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 16, from 7am - 12:30pm, we've decided to head to the Downtown Downers Grove Market for the last market day of the season!

Don't miss your last chance to visit all of the amazing vendors at this market--fresh, local, produce; local, organic eggs and meats; fresh flowers; homemade mini-donuts; homemade cheesecake; local stained glass artists; handmade clothing and accessories, and, of course, KOGJ jewelry!

As a special thank you for your continued support, and in celebration of this successful vending season, we are having a 10% off sale--tomorrow, get 10% off your total sale, ALL jewelry included!!

The forecast is looking great: 68 and sunny, so come out, and enjoy a beautiful Fall day at the last market of the season. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Handmade Market Update.....

Ooh! Forgot to mention....the highlight of my Handmade Market day on Saturday was being interviewed and having my wire wrapped rings photographed by a professional photographer, to be featured in an on-line Art, Design and Craft magazine!! I'll keep you posted when I know what's happening with this!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Night's All Right

It was a great day at Handmade Market Chicago today, and I met some cool people! Lots of work went into prepping for this show, and I'm happy to say that it was well worth it. Now a bit of chill time. Just a bit; back to work early tomorrow morning as I'm working dilegently to get my webstore up and ready for shopping!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Market Prep

I'm really looking forward to vending at Handmade Market Chicago this Saturday. I'm in full-swing-market-prep-mode-production right now! Dealing with project management logistics for setting up at this market, writing and placing final promotional materials, and making, making, making jewelry! I'm taking a quick break to go deliver a Custom Handmade Ring order, and then back to market prep business. Good days to all!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Up Next: Heading to Handmade Market Chicago!

I will be vending at Handmade Market Chicago this Saturday, October 9, from 12-4pm at The Empty Bottle, 1035 N. Western Avenue in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood.

To learn more about this market, visit

Hope to see you then!